In this episode we welcome founder Dale Brown. Dale C. Brown is the founder of The Detroit Threat Management Center located in Detroit. Commander Brown created Eclectikan survival tactical training systems in 1993.This training system is comprised of tactical psychology, tactical law and tactical skills, to teach communities and corporations how to properly manage human threats and create non-violent outcomes.
In 1995, on the eastside of Detroit, Commander Brown officially formed the V.I.P.E.R.S. (Violence Intervention Protective Emergency Response System). A bodyguard tactical training program that emphasizes the importance of mission motivated altruistic community service. The organization became known for helping the community, by stopping home invasions and murders that had been a problem for many years prior. This resulted in a good quality of life for the residents who lived in the community. The byproduct of which meant that the building owners went into the black for the first time in twenty years and the police department received accolades for a 90% reduction in violent crime and 911 calls.